Sunday, March 1, 2015


By Claire

Doubt. Fear. Hate. Disappointment. These are all common feelings to have. But why do we feel them? Can’t we just be happy all the time? Most of us would agree that it’s very hard to always have a smile on our faces. It’s hard to be happy with ourselves and what we do. What if I told you that having these feelings hurts God? Crazy, right?  Let me explain.

Imagine painting a picture of a little girl. Imagine that this little girl has green eyes and long and tangled brown hair. She’s tall for her age, and freckles cover her face. So you’ve painted this beautiful picture, and you’re very proud of it. You love it. It’s perfect just the way it is. Now imagine that the little girl came to life. But she complains about her freckles and how they looked bad. She doesn’t like her hair, and she thinks her eyes are ugly. “I hate myself,” she says. “I wish I were a different person.” Stop right there. Think. We say that about ourselves sometimes, too. We aren’t happy with the way we are. I don’t know about you, but I would be offended if someone called my picture ugly. Not good enough. Not smart or pretty. That’s exactly what happened. Your picture came to life and said, “You made me ugly. You didn’t make me good enough. I don’t like myself.”

With God, it’s the same thing. Sometimes we call His creation (you and I) ugly, not good enough, and unlovable.  These emotions and feelings get in our way and hurt Him even when we don’t realize it. So, don’t judge yourself. Accept who you are because God created you, and you are beautiful just the way you are.  

(P.S. Think of Bruno Mars! -


  1. This is an AMAZING post. Don't stop writing Claire. You have a gift & are reaching those young & old.

  2. Claire! WOW! What a GREAT website and your posts are AMAZING!! You sound like such an old soul! I love this post about emotions. What a tangible way to write about it. I look in the mirror and either frown or roll my eyes at myself half the time because my wrinkles are practically overtaking my face. I have to remind myself that God loves me no matter what and that, after all, He made me this way! And it's clear to see from the Word that what's on the outside doesn't mean a thing! And it's funny because I never ever think anything negative about anyone with wrinkly skin or dry hair or a big nose - so why would I ever look at myself that way? Why do we do that to ourselves? So, thanks for your post. It is very encouraging and actually got me pretty choked up!

  3. Claire! WOW! What a GREAT website and your posts are AMAZING!! You sound like such an old soul! I love this post about emotions. What a tangible way to write about it. I look in the mirror and either frown or roll my eyes at myself half the time because my wrinkles are practically overtaking my face. I have to remind myself that God loves me no matter what and that, after all, He made me this way! And it's clear to see from the Word that what's on the outside doesn't mean a thing! And it's funny because I never ever think anything negative about anyone with wrinkly skin or dry hair or a big nose - so why would I ever look at myself that way? Why do we do that to ourselves? So, thanks for your post. It is very encouraging and actually got me pretty choked up!


Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog. I appreciate your comments and feedback.

- Claire